Not able to log into admin console ufter upgrading from 1.4 -> 1.9.1
by Carsten Saathoff
I just upgraded my old Keycloak 1.4 installation to 1.9.1. But I am not
able to log into the admin console any more. After having read the
migration guide again, it seems this could be due to the direct grant
being disabled now for some client. But to be honest, I don't quite
understand what exactly the issue is. Any ideas?
thanks and best regards
Carsten Saathoff - KISTERS AG - Stau 75 - 26122 Oldenburg - Germany
Handelsregister Aachen, HRB-Nr. 7838 | Vorstand: Klaus Kisters, Hanns Kisters | Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Thomas Klevers
Phone: +49 441 93602 -257 | Fax: +49 441 93602 -222 | E-Mail: Carsten.Saathoff(a) | WWW:
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8 years, 5 months
Limiting (network-based) access to different realms
by Guus der Kinderen
We're working on a setup where we have two realms, a 'master' realm that we
use for administration, and another realm that is public-facing, providing
service to our end-users.
We'd like to be able to prevent access to the master realm for the general
public. We do not want, for example, to have the general public be able to
access the login page for the master realm, but we would like them to be
able to use to login page for the other realm. Things will probably get
interesting in the REST interface in that sense.
Ideally, we would expose each realm on a different network endpoint (at the
very least, use different TCP ports for each realm). We prefer to avoid a
solution that relies on URL / path-based filtering.
Can Keycloak facilitate this? Is it possible to limit exposure of a
particular realm to a specific network endpoint?
Kind regards,
8 years, 5 months
standard vs implicit flow in SPA
by Anthony Fryer
Up until recently I automatically selected to use implicit grant flow from SPAs, but lately I've been re-assessing this since the keycloak javascript adapter provides standard flow out of the box and makes that a viable option. I also note that the keycloak admin console is a HTML5/javascript/angular js app that uses the keycloak js adapter and uses the standard flow. As a side note I find the client defaults interesting in that Implicit flow is disabled, but direct access grants are enabled (I'm coming from a mitreid connect implementation where direct access grants where disabled by default and implicit flow was enabled, so just wonder what the thinking is behind this since direct access grants are discouraged).
I'm really wondering why are you pushing standard flow from the keycloak javascript adapter instead of implicit? What are the benefits that make standard flow better in this case? One thing I have seen mentioned is refresh tokens obtained in standard flow make it easy to get a new access token, but I thought you could get refresh tokens from the implicit flow anyway, and even if not, if a user logs in with "remember me", then getting a new access token doesn't require re-entering credentials by the user. I want to make sure that when implementing keycloak in our SPA we choose the best flow and want to know if there's some reason standard flow is best.
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Anthony Fryer | Solution Architect & Designer
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8 years, 5 months