Re: [keycloak-user] SAML response parsing failed
by Erwin Steffens | Rovecom
Here it is:
Erwin Steffens | Rovecom
Elbe 2, 7908 HB Hoogeveen
Postbus 2126, 7900 BC Hoogeveen
0528 22 35 35
Voortdurend bezig met innoveren om beweging te stimuleren en groei te realiseren. Wij zijn Rovecom.
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-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Hynek Mlnarik []
Verzonden: woensdag 26 april 2017 11:48
Aan: Erwin Steffens | Rovecom <esteffens(a)>
Onderwerp: Re: [keycloak-user] SAML response parsing failed
Could you please store the SAML response to e.g. google drive/dropbox/... and send here a link to it?
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Erwin Steffens | Rovecom <esteffens(a)> wrote:
> We are integrating Keycloak with a SAML identity provider (dutch government). We seem to receive a valid response from the other party but Keycloak does seam to be able to parse the SAML response.
> The error we get is:
> 09:08:41,029 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-14) UT005023:
> Exception handling request to
> /realms/datahub/login-actions/first-broker-login:
> org.jboss.resteasy.spi.UnhandledException: java.lang.RuntimeEx
> ception: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Undeclared namespace prefix "ds"
> When we run the received XML through a validation tool ( it indicates that it is valid.
> Can I somehow attach the XML here?
> Erwin
> -----------------------------
> Rovecom
> Erwin Steffens | Rovecom
> softwareontwikkelaar
> Elbe 2, 7908 HB Hoogeveen
> Postbus 2126, 7900 BC Hoogeveen
> 0528 22 35 35
> Voortdurend bezig met innoveren om beweging te stimuleren en groei te realiseren. Wij zijn Rovecom.
> Disclaimer: Wanneer de link niet werkt, plak de link dan in uw internet browser.
> -----------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> keycloak-user mailing list
> keycloak-user(a)
7 years, 9 months
Integrating with Stripe
by Marc Coleman
I would like to extend the registration and account pages to collect
payment details using Stripe. Since I am using the docker container, I
thought it may be easiest to pass the Stripe token and an API endpoint as
environment variables to the container. Then, by extending the themes, I
could collect the card details using Stripe.js and send the token to my API
to create a customer token that I could add to user attributes in Keycloak.
I know that environment variables are not currently accessible in the
freemarker templates so if this is considered a reasonable use-case I'd be
willing to open an enhancement request; otherwise I would be interested in
alternative solutions.
7 years, 9 months
Keycloak is throwing invalid_authn_request error for SAML Client
by Jyoti Kumar Singh
Hi Team,
We have integrated SAP HANA system as a Service Provider with the Keycloak
2.2.1.Final version and provided "SAML Metadata IDPSSODescriptor" which
needs to be imported at Service Provider end.
But while saving the "SAML Metadata IDPSSODescriptor" at Service Provider
end, SingleSignOnService Location is getting saved with addition of 443
port number in the Destination URL. For example, If Keycloak is providing
IDP SingleSignOnService Location as "", Service Provider
is saving it as "
Once Service Provider is making a AuthnRequest Call to Keycloak, it is
sending Destination URL as "" as part of
AuthnRequest. As the destination URL contains ":443" extra, Keycloak is
refusing to accept it and throws "error=invalid_authn_request,
reason=invalid_destination" error.
Looks like Keycloak is very strict about destination URL matching which is
sent from SP as part of AuthnRequest. Do we have any option in Keycloak
which will accept the Destination URL with port number in AuthnRequest or
is there any work around to handle this?
Please let me know for any other information regarding this.
*With Regards, Jyoti Kumar Singh*
7 years, 9 months
Logout endpoint JSON Response
by matteo restelli
Hi all,
calling the logout endpoint returns, if the call succeded, a 204 HTTP CODE
(No-Content). Is that a standard OIDC behaviour? It is possible to return
some sort of JSON and another HTTP CODE (like 200)?
Thank you in advance,
7 years, 9 months
Maintain 300 realms challenge
by Kevin Berendsen
Hi community!
I've got a very interesting challenge and I'd like some your opinions.
We've got to maintain countless separate LDAPs with identical schemas and configurations. The problem is, the users may have identical usernames in the separate LDAP instances so fusing every LDAP into one is not an option at the moment. Maybe in the future but not now.
So I came with a couple solutions:
1) Each LDAP will have its own realm so all the LDAPs keep isolated from each other. Each realm with have identical clients and general configuration. To tackle the issue to lower maintenance time is to develop a tool on the Keycloak Admin Client API to be able to make bulk updates on ALL the realms. As it's quite hard to track which realm has which change/update, I came up with the idea to create a single Realm that will act as a template and every time I update the Realm by adding a new Client for example, it'd perform the very same action on ALL other realms.
Pros: You can manage all realms as one and every LDAP stays isolated.
Cons: Huge load on the Keycloak (I think) and takes quite some time to develop the tool.
2) Create a single realm, have countless User Federations and the username will have a prefix (id of the User Federation). Then again, a tool will be developed to easily maintain the User Federations,
Pros: Single realm to maintain
Cons: I don't like the thought of having countless User Federations but I think that might be a misplaced feeling.
So what do you guys thinks :)
For those whom reply, thanks in advance, your efforts will be appreciated!
Kind regards,
Fanatic Keycloak User
7 years, 9 months
JAX-RS @PermitAll with invalid token fails
by Georg Henkel
Hi there,
I am trying to setup a JAX-RS webservice with keycloak authentication
and want to use the Java EE security annotations (@PermitAll,
My current implementation works well with one exception:
If I have set an invalid bearer token in the authorization header the
TokenVerifier throws a VerificationException stating: Token is not active.
I fully understand why it is thrown and that the token is checked before
the routing in JAX-RS starts. But if I use @PermitAll I want that
everyone reagrdless of any authorization header can access the resource.
How can I handle this use case?
P.S.: If I access the resource without a token, than I get the correct
result from the webservice.
Best regards
7 years, 9 months
Passing information from custom Authenticator to a Token
by Thomas Darimont
Hello group,
I need to pass some information form a custom Authenticator to the
One way I found to do that is by using UserSessionNotes and a "User Session
Protocol Mapper defined in a client template which is shared by all clients.
public void authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext context) {
is this the intended way to do this sort of things?
7 years, 9 months
Issues with Keycloak and AD
by Charles Hardin
Hello All,
I have setup an instance of Keycloak 3 and connected it to AD. It is setup
to sync users and is writeable edit mode. I also have Pasword Policy Hints
enabled in the MSAD Account Controls mapper. I have user registration
turned on in Keycloak.
When I register a user in keycloak, it creates the user in a disabled state
in AD, and prompts the user in keycloak to change the password they just
set during account creation to activate the account. This then fails
because AD is currently configured to enforce a minimum password age of one
I am ok with the account being created disabled, but how do I get around
the immediate 2nd password request?
7 years, 9 months