Enabling Identity provider alone
by Madhu
Hi ,
I want to disable client, Realm management, Authentication and Roles and want to create a user who will be able to provide only Identity provider/broker integration.
I understand user needs to be in manage-identity-providers and manage-realm for doing this activity. But with manage realm user also has access to role creation,authenciation and realm setting tabs. Any way to disable these, without going for customized themes or changing the FTL?
I am looking for authorization model based solution.
6 years, 6 months
NPE when requesting authorization
by Corentin Dupont
Hi guys,
I got this error when requesting authorization on a resource:
$ curl -X POST
http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/waziup/protocol/openid-connect/token -H
"Authorization: Bearer $USERTOKEN" -d
{"error":"server_error","error_description":"Unexpected error while
evaluating permissions"}
On the server side I get:
12:42:11,821 ERROR
(default task-16) Unexpected error while evaluating permissions:
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor449.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
I got my token this way:
USERTOKEN=`curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:
application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d
"http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/waziup/protocol/openid-connect/token" |
jq .access_token -r`
This seems to happen for scope-based policies.
6 years, 6 months
resource set filter
by Corentin Dupont
It seems the resource set filter was removed from Keycloak 4?
I noticed this line was removed from the doc:
List resource set descriptions using a filter: GET
Now the GET /resource_set only returns the list of resource ids, which is
not so useful.
How to get a resource id from its name?
6 years, 6 months
Revocation Policy
by gambol
In regard to revocation policies or the ability to revoke access tokens.
Does keycloak only provide this feature as a push model? ... Glancing at
documentation and a quick google the implementation seems to be a back
channel callback to the url with I guess some verifiable payload? .. Is
there any other means to request this information .. I can't see anything
in the rest api but essentially I'd like periodically check if any tokens
has been revoked.
6 years, 6 months
Access token in account management console
by Miguel Sanz
Hi everyone,
I need to receive from the back the access token in account.ftl template. I
know that I don´t have the access token because I am inside Keycloak. But
when you enter in admin console, keycloak.js is used and you can access to
the access token in the code.
Do you have any suggestion to retrieve the access token in the code of
account management console?
Also, I have tried to use the keycloak-preview code in Angular 2, but when
I try to change the password it returns a 400 error.
Thank you very much.
[image: Kairós Digital Solutions] <http://www.kairosds.com> [image: Miguel
Sanz Martín]
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6 years, 6 months
How to check permission when issuing token
by Hiroyuki Wada
Our customer has a requirement that they want to check whether the authenticated user has sufficient
permission to access the service(RP) when issuing token.
I came up with an idea using custom protocol mapper which checks the assigned roles as follows:
By using this mapper, token endpoint returns 403 Forbidden error if the authenticated user
doesn't have sufficient role.
Is this a good way? Or is there a better way to do it?
Best Regards
Hiroyuki Wada
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
6 years, 6 months
Authorization header from third party site
by Schaar, Andrew
We are receiving authorization headers from a third party that links to our site. The endpoint being hit is not secured via spring security, however because an authorization header is on the request KeycloakAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java is attempting to authenticate the request.
The result is a VerificationException from AdapterRSATokenVerifier and subsequently a 401 and a poor user experience. I am wondering if you have any advice regarding the scenario where an invalid authorization header is received when requesting unsecured endpoints.
We are using the Keycloak spring security adapter 3.4.2.Final
6 years, 6 months