Microservices Auth with Keycloak
by Chirdeep Tomar
We are implementing a micro services architecture with services written in
Spring/Vertx and .NET Core.
So essentially these services are Resource Servers protecting resources and
according to documentation resource servers are also clients in Keycloak.
We have a few front end apps and 2 mobile apps for android and iphone which
will also be clients in Keycloak.
1) Should the front end apps and mobile apps be public client in Keycloak?
2) If each micro service which is a resource server is a client with
credentials, how does access token generated for single clientid work
across multiple micro services?
Not sure how to tie it all together, thanks for your help.
6 years, 5 months
Keycloak Login Recaptcha
by Ghinea Alexandru George
I've been trying to add recaptcha to the Login Page of the Keycloak, but it
seems that I can't fix it.
The recaptcha doesn't appear in the flow Browser even though I added the
needed classes (LoginRecaptcha and Factory Recaptcha).
Can you tell me which methods from the RegistrationRecaptcha I need in
order to implement it in Browser and should I simply extend
UsernamePasswordForm and Factory without implementing any other class?
Thank you!
6 years, 5 months
Implicit flow between two (or more) keycloak instances
by Yann Jouanin
I am currently trying to use implicit flow between two keycloak instances.
My setup is :
We have one keycloak used in our cloud and one on customer premise, federating the customer's ldap.
Because there is no network connectivity between both the keycloak instances I want to use the implicit flow so the customer access our service in cloud, get redirected to our keycloak instance for login and then has the option to use its on premise instance configured as a OIDC identity provider.
The setup work in a lab with standard flow, but with implicit flow, I get an error message "Standard flow is disabled for the client"
Is implicit flow usable in this case?
Best regards,
Yann Jouanin
6 years, 5 months
SAML client brokering to a SAML provider
by Victor Bail
Hi all,
I'm trying to configure a client with SAML that authenticates in a keycloak
provider going through a keycloak broker (keycloak provider and keycloak
broker are in the same server in different realms).
Client is a wildfly 11 using the keycloak-SAML adapter. Broker and provider
are using keycloak 4.1.0.
I have achieved an OIDC client connecting through the broker to the SAML
provider, but I'm not able to do it with a SAML client.
In the client, I have this configuration in the wildfly standalone.xml:
<secure-deployment name="TestClientKeyCloakSAML.war">
<SP entityID="Broker" sslPolicy="EXTERNAL" logoutPage="
<Key signing="true">
<IDP entityID="idp" signatureAlgorithm="RSA_SHA256"
<SingleSignOnService signRequest="true"
validateResponseSignature="true" validateAssertionSignature="false"
requestBinding="POST" bindingUrl="
validateRequestSignature="true" validateResponseSignature="true"
signRequest="true" signResponse="true" requestBinding="POST"
responseBinding="POST" postBindingUrl="
http://localhost:8280/auth/realms/Broker/protocol/saml" redirectBindingUrl="
The Identity Provider in the broker realm has this configuration:
-SSO service URL: http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/Athens/protocol/saml
And the SAML client has this configuration:
-Client ID: http://localhost:8280/auth/realms/Broker
-Client Protocol: SAML
-Master SAML processing URL:
If we login from the client, we can go trough the broker and login in the
provider, but the response from the provider arrives to the broker and
returns this error:
10:22:00,529 WARN [org.keycloak.protocol.saml.SamlService] (default
task-20) Unknown saml response.
10:22:00,529 WARN [org.keycloak.protocol.saml.SamlService] (default
task-20) UserSession is not tagged as logging out.
10:22:00,529 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-20)
type=LOGOUT_ERROR, realmId=Broker, clientId=null, userId=null,
ipAddress=, error=invalid_logout_response
The problem is that the response is arriving to
SAMLService.BindingProtocol.handleSamlResponse and it seems that that
method only handles logout responses.
What is the configuration needed to authenticate a SAML client through a
broker to a SAML provider?
6 years, 5 months
keycloak and application configuration | how to resolve this error
by vandana thota
ESC[0mESC[31m16:36:59,379 ERROR [io.undertow.request] (default task-1)
UT005023: Exception handling request to /sample/:
at java.lang.String.contains(String.java:2133)
6 years, 5 months
AT as Query Param
by Simon Faust
I've a REST Server secured using bearer-only. Now I'm stuck with the
file download usecase (no token in http header).
According to KEYCLOAK-2650
<https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-2650> it's possible to pass
Access Token as a Query Parameter (guess its name is "access_token",
right?). On testing that every request I make gets redirected to
Am I missing some configuration? It seems that the Keycloak adapter does
not try at all to get a token from query param... I'm using
keycloak-spring-security-adapter 3.2.1
Thanks in advance, Simon
6 years, 5 months
Best Practices in Production environment
by Rakesh Alladi
Hi All,
In terms of securing the REST Api,can someone please shed somelight on what
are the OIDC/OAuth Flow considerations one should consider that are at par
with Best Practices to be implemented in Production environment:
1. How should a REST service be secured and configured in Keycloak? Should
we use Access Type as "bearer-only" or "Confidential"
2. How should an Internal REST client is configured? Should we use "Offline
Access" or "Client Credentials"
3. How should an External REST client is configured? Should we use "Client
Any help on the above is much appreciated.
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6 years, 5 months
WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-49) type=IDENTITY_PROVIDER_LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=Demo-Realm, clientId=null, userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_code, identity_provider=saml-sample-app
by vandana thota
Can any one knows how to resolve this below error :
WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-49)
type=IDENTITY_PROVIDER_LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=Demo-Realm, clientId=null,
userId=null, ipAddress=, error=invalid_code,
6 years, 5 months
Fine grain permission for a realm admin user that can also create client and create a User in his Realm
by Ansari, Hasebullah
Hello all,
I have a use case scenario with indulges fine grain permission settings for an admin of a particular realm that should create a client and create a user with restrictions like he must not play with the client ‘realm-management’ and that he must not map realm-admin to himself. The problem is I can achieve to restict the realm admin to manage one client or restrict him to map only said roles but then he cannot create client or create user himself because he requires more coarse role like ‘manage-users’ or ‘manage-clients’. And once I give the realm admin these two roles then he could do everything in the realm and this is the problem.
So in short,
1. I want to have a realm-admin that can create users and clients in his dedicated realm
2. Also I want to make sure that he doesn’t have access to play around with realm-management client and that he doesn’t have access to map roles to himself or other users with something like ‘manage-user, manage-realm, manage, manage-clients’
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