Hi Nils,
On 22.4.2014 12:55, Nils Preusker wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm just setting up an integration test project for our application
and I'm wondering what's the best way to bootstrap keycloak within it.
I'm using arquillian for testing and I'm using the
maven-dependency-plugin and maven-resources-plugin to put together a
wildfly instance with the keycloak-wildfly-adapter.
So far, that approach works nicely. However, I'm not quite sure yet
how to go about
* importing a realm and
* creating a bearer/ access token to use in the test cases
One approach would be to deploy the auth-server.war (is there a mvn
repository to pull it from?), POST the realm to the respective URL of
the admin console and do the authentication the same way (POST
Looks like
it's not. The WAR is here just for Alpha1
but not for later releases, which looks like a bug IMO. Can you create
JIRA for it? I think it won't be bad if release will include all the
artifacts including docs and distribution stuff (like WAR and full
Wildfly appliance)
Alternatively, I suppose I could deploy a small helper war or jar that
accesses the core services of keycloak to import the realm and create
test access tokens (some convenience method like "createLogin()" in a
test utility that is deployed with shrink wrap maybe).
Which option do you recommend or is there a third one that I'm missing?
it will be interesting for you that we have integration testsuite
https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/tree/master/testsuite/integration .
This testsuite is using embedded Undertow server and it programmatically
deploys Keycloak server on it. You can take a look at KeycloakServer
class and also at individual tests to see how it works. The point is
that it's embedded, so test classes have access to
KeycloakSessionFactory inside KeycloakSetup actions and so they can
directly use the model API to setup needed things.
For example in LoginTest, you can see that there is some setup action,
which creates new user with usage of Keycloak model API:
and then there is selenium test, which verifies that this user is able
to login:
Maybe you can reuse some parts of our testsuite and programmaticaly
deploy Keycloak server in similar way like it's done here (not sure if
it's possible with Arquillian+Shrinkwrap+Wildfly, but I assume that
yes). If you still don't have access to Keycloak model API, you can
maybe write some selenium utils, which will do needed setup in KC admin
console UI...
Another alternative might be that you will use 2 servers in your
testsuite. Your wildfly server with adapter installed will be on
localhost:8080 (you have it already running) and KC server will be on
localhost:8081 (You can directly reuse our testsuite for setup this).
Good luck and let me know if still having issues. Btw. we don't have any
integration tests for admin console and real AS7 and Wildfly adapters
AFAIK. So it would be nice if you can share your work once you have your
testsuite up and running:-)
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