realm name by itself is a valid URL, its just not a url with a scheme.
On 10/31/2014 8:41 AM, prab rrrr wrote:
Read the spec once again and agree to your point that access code
only be used once. Regarding "iss", as long as realm name is replaced by
URL, it should be good. I will do some more testing today, mostly on
validating the signature of the token and will let you know if I find
any discrepancies.
Thanks once again, for the response and explanation.
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 8:53 PM, Bill Burke <bburke(a)> wrote:
Section 3 does mention that the issuer is a URL using HTTPS, but this
URL does not have to match the token endpoint URL. It is just a unique
identifier for the issuer. That's it.
Maybe I'm just not understanding OIDC, but what you are describing for
"aud" and "azp" doesn't make sense to me. An ID Token is not an
token. Its not something you pass around to use for authz. Neither do
you pass around access codes. Access codes are only usable once.
Keycloak just doesn't support multiple audiences. When an oauth client
is registered, a set of valid redirect uri patterns are associated with
it. You cannot associate a client with another client. The ID Token
will only ever contain one client_id in the "aud" and the "azp" will
always be blank because its an optional setting.
We support narrowed "trust" by role scope mappings. When an access
token is created for a specific client, it is only granted permissions
that are configured for that client's scope. For example:
* Service 'A' has roles of "user" and "admin"
* Service 'B' has roles of "admin" and "analyst"
* User has a role mapping of A.user, A.admin, B.admin, B.analyst
* Oauth client "C" is registered with a role scope mapping of A.user
* Oauth client 'C' initiates a token request on behalf of the User, it
gets an access token only with a permission of 'A.user' even though the
user has other permissions. So it wouldn't be able to access Service 'B'
at all.
On 10/30/2014 6:42 PM, Raghuram wrote:
> Hi Bill - here is my understanding of the spec:
> Section of the core spec says that clients must validate the
id tokens. The third point of the same section says that "aud" can
contain more than 1 element in which case the fourth point says that the
client should verify that "azp" is present and the fifth point says azp
should be verified against the client id
> Now when an oauth client registers, it can specify multiple redirect
Uris, corresponding to diff oauth clients that wish to participate in a
single sign on. When a user tries to access first client and he is
authenticated, the client just gets a code. If the code is passed to the
second client ( the first client could be web app and the second client
could be a database service) then the second client could get an
Idtoken. The auth server (key cloak in this case) would then list all
the client ids in "aud" and specify the second client in "azp" which
will be validated by the second client.
> The above is a valid use case in our organization ( authentication
delegation). It gives flexibility to the apps ( especially sensitive
ones) to pick the apps they trust rather than just participate in an
organization wide single sign on.
> Section 3 (openID provider metadata) of the discovery spec mentions
that issuer is a url using https.
> Hope I make sense.
> Thanks.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 30, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Bill Burke <bburke(a)
<>> wrote:
>> Ivan, btw, looking at the library you are using, validation of the
ID token is optional.
>>> On 10/30/2014 4:15 PM, Raghuram wrote:
>>> I tested with libraries based on Apache Oltu and even I noticed
that realm name is being sent in the Idtoken under "iss". "aud" is
when I included multiple redirect Uris which is breaking the validation
(as per openid spec). "azp" is not being sent (it is optional unless
more than 1 client is registered) - expect that to be sent once I
register two clients.
>> "aud" has been fixed in master.
>> "iss" still is the realm name. This is just a unique identifier for
the realm. And there is nothing in the spec that I could find that
states that it must match the token endpoint URL. It just has to be a
URL that uniquely identifies the issuer. It is something that is
configured, or, found during OIDC discovery.
>> "AZP
>> Your interpretation of AZP is not my interpretation of AZP. #1.
AZP is optional, we don't have to include it at all. #2 It would only
have the value of the client that requested the token. In Keycloak, ID
Tokens are generated and only given to one audience.
>>> Used /account for userinfo end point that didn't work. Will provide
more feedback as I continue to test
>> As I said before, we do not support userinfo yet. Our access tokens
are Json Web Signatures signed by the realm and the content is an
extended version of ID Tokens that contains additional keycloak metadata.
>>> Fyi -My libraries were tested completely against a server
implementation based on Mitre's open Id connect and they are good.
>> It's on the roadmap to expand our OIDC support beyond the minimal
requirements and to validate it against other implementations. Just
haven't gotten to it yet.
>> --
>> Bill Burke
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>> <>
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat <>