I have two questions about Identity Provider configuration in Keycloak.
1) I would like to add an Identity Provider and then have this be the only option
available to the user for authentication. Is there a way to disable the username/password
authentication and not show it on the login screen?
2) Is there a way to redirect to Keycloak and have it immediately redirect to an Identity
Provider? As an example, let’s say I have two Identity Providers, Google and Facebook.
In my web application I know that the user wants to log in via Google so I want to
redirect to Keycloak and tell Keycloak to select the Google Identity Provider and redirect
to it immediately. Maybe something like my web application redirects to keycloak like
and then mykeycloak.org<http://mykeycloak.org> immediately redirects to Google. For
the user they don’t see the Keycloak page.
Is there any functionality like the in Keycloak?