I have created a theme and extended the base login form with an extra
input field.
I've also created a Script Authenticator that checks the value of the
extra field and permits or not the authentication.
My authenticator script runs after the builtin 'Username Password form'
(Browser flow).
Now I would like to do two things when authentication fails because of
my script:
1. Use a custom i18n error message instead of showing one of the
messages of the builtin AuthenticationFlowError. Is there a way to do so?
2. Stay on the login page and show the error message instead of being
sent to a 'We're sorry...' page with a link back to the login form.
For instance the builtin 'Username Password form' stays on the login
form with an error message when authentication fails which is nice and
Currently I fail the authentication with 'context.clearUser();
but I've tried various methods from 'context' without achieving either 1
or 2 of my requirements.