I have created an issue for this problem, with a patch which adds extra functionality for
an OpenID Identity Provider. (Maybe it is even better to add this functionality in the
OAuth2Provider, but in my case, it was only relevant for OpenID). The patch adds an option
in the OpenID Identity Provider which allows specifying if you want to send your client_id
and client_secret as POST parameters of as an Authorization Header.
Ulrich Merckx
On 23 Feb 2018, at 14:20, Merckx, Ulrich
<ulrich.merckx@vlaanderen.be<mailto:ulrich.merckx@vlaanderen.be>> wrote:
We are having an issue while connecting from keycloak to a certain OpenId Identity
The OpenId Provider only supports logging in with Basic Authentication (client_id and
client_secret), as specified in
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
Currently keycloak does only support ‘posting' the client_id and client_secret. This
will not work with the OpenID Identity Provider.
Or maybe I don’t see how to configure it.
Can you confirm connecting to an OpenId Identity Provider with Basic Authentication is not
implemented in keycloak.
If this is not implemented I will make a JIRA issue.
The OAuth RFC also states that it is recommended to use Basic Authentication over Posting.
Kind regards,
Ulrich Merckx