Hi group,
I have multiple realms and a list of clients registered within each realm.
For each realm I'd like to configure
a "default" client that can be used as a redirect fallback if no client or
redirect_uri was specified in requests.
The usecase is to provide some kind of "home" or "launchpad" service
users are redirected to in case
they don't know or didn't specify where to go.
The launchpad would then present a "fancy selection" of all the apps
(clients) that are available to the current user,
somewhat comparable to the
Is this already possible or considered as a feature?
A default "default" client could be the account application.
A quick hack I could think of would be to define a client with the name
"default" (or another well-known name)
and register a custom endpoint in Keycloak that would accept the client_id
as a url parameter and redirect to the
configured client base url.