I'm using an EventListenerProvider to catch user registration events (when
the user registers via Keycloak's Registration Form) and send the
registered user's details to an outside system.
Here's the relevant code:
public class LocoinsEventListenerProvider implements EventListenerProvider {
private final KeycloakSession session; // provided in constructor
@Override public void onEvent(Event evt) {
if (evt.getType() == EventType.REGISTER &&
Objects.equals(evt.getRealmId(), this.realm)) {
final String userId = evt.getUserId();
final RealmModel realm = session.realms().getRealm(evt.getRealmId());
final UserModel user = session.users().getUserById(userId, realm);
log.info("Customer registered, notifying application: id = {}, name = {}
{}, email = {}", userId, user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName(),
} } }
The problem is that user.getFirstName(), user.getLastName() are both
null (but user.getEmail() holds the correct value).
If I check the Keycloak database directly after this (table
USER_ENTITY), FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME are both there.
Any ideas why this might be? How should I get what the first and last
name entered by the users?
P.S. If I create the user via the Keycloak REST API client and then
catch the corresponding Admin event (I don't get a REGISTER event in
this case),
the UserRepresentation obtained in the same way as above holds all the
data (first, last name etc.):
final UserRepresentation user = new UserRepresentation();