Hello all,
I am new to keycloak and I tryed to use keycloak-connect to protect routes on my server.
From my SPA, I make a fetch call to the server route that uses protect middleware. In case
of unauthenticated user, keycloak-connect returns redirect to login page (302 with
location header). Problem is that, original request was fetch and 302 causes that, browser
will call GET request for keycloak login page. This will not cause full browser redirect
to that login page. Wouldn't it be better to send 401 Unauthorized and let browser to
handle redirect itself? Or am I doing something wrong?
This is related part in my code.
const keycloakConfig = {
authServerUrl: application.SERVER_URL,
clientId: application.CLIENT_ID,
realm: application.REALM,
public: true
const keycloak = new Keycloak({ cookies: true }, keycloakConfig);
logout: '/logout'
// Use routes
app.use('/api/v1/', keycloak.protect(), api);
Thank you for any help.