Hello Keycloak-Users,
I made some progress with a Google-like Identity First authentication flow
and found some interesting tricks that I wanted to share.
In my keycloak-extension-playground repository, I added an example
extension which supports a multi-step Identity first authentication
mechanism as Google and others provide.
The authentication flow works as follows:
Instead of asking for username AND password on the login screen I only ask
for the username. A password is then asked in a consecutive step.
This enables additional user-specific authentication steps.
You can find a short demo-gif in this tweet:
- The example features two authenticators 'SelectUserAuthenticatorForm' and
SelectUserAuthenticatorForm: Shows a form to enter the username (or
email) and provides a mechanism for resolving a user based on the given
PasswordAuthenticatorForm: Based on the selected user, a password form is
- The forms are sent asynchronously via AJAX without reloading the login
- The authentication process can be aborted/restarted via by clicking
'cancel' on the password form
Now comes a nice trick, I learned while I was looking for a way to ship
custom extension specific js/css/img resources with an authenticator
without(!) having to customize a realm login theme.
As you might now, one can have authenticator/extension specific templates
that are shipped in the extension jar within the 'theme-resources/template'
This works fine if you can do everything in an .ftl template, but falls
short, when you need extension specific css/js/img.
However, if you also ship a CUSTOM extension specific theme within the
extension, then one can access resources provided by this theme!
In my case:
I created a theme folder with a login theme, named like the extension:
extension: auth-identity-first-extension
theme-name: auth-identity-first-extension-theme
The resulting folder structure looks like this:
The 'resources' folder contains sub-folders for 'js' and 'css'
combined with a META-INF/keycloak-themes.json descriptor.
{ "themes": [
"name": "auth-identity-first-extension-theme",
"types": [ "login"]
This allows to refer to the extension specific theme resources from within
a template, e.g. in the 'select-user-form.ftl' template this looks like:
<link rel="stylesheet"
We effectively define a custom theme within the extension jar just for the
sake of exposing extension specific resources.
I know that this feels a bit like a hack (because it is), but seems to work
quite well ;-)
Note that the extension specific theme also shows up within the realm theme
selection, but you can ignore this.
I hope that's useful for you too :)