I wrote a user federation SPI implementation to integrate our internal user management.
Particularly, an implementation of org.keycloak.models.UserFederationProviderFactory and
My question is, how do you configure it in the keycloak-server.json?
The documentation gave example for event listener but not user federation. Following the
doc with similar approach I tried “{ “userFederation”: { “my-impl”: { “myProperty”:””,
...} …}}”, and all kinds of combinations like that but nothing worked. I’d really
appreciate if you can share some experience here.
I’m quoting the doc in this regard here:
Configuring a provider
You can pass configuration options to your provider by setting them in
keycloak-server.json. For example to set the max value for my-event-listener add:
"eventsListener": {
"my-event-listener": {
"max": 100
Zhaohua Meng
Business Intelligence, AppNexus
973-936-8028 (cell)
973-415-8028 (home)