Hello there. I have a web application (war) deployed on Wildfly and it is
protected by Keycloak. I am using Java/Wildfly adapter (not "keycloak.js)",
and there is a KC client that uses Standard flow (OIDC): it is configured
to use Access Type "public". The setup works just fine. But is it possible
to retrieve and access the Id Token (JWT) from the client-side i.e.
end-user browser in this case? Or is it available on server-side as a
http-only cookie value? I planned to keep then JWT token short-lived and
use it for secondary login on another website based on the claims in it,
for example " 'login': 'allowed' " for
I also have configured protocol mappers for the client so that certain
roles should be included i.e. mapped in the Id Token, but I can not see
them there. Any ideas what could be wrong? KC version is 2.2.1.Final and WF
version is 10. Thanks!