i have a little Spring Boot Application and it runs pretty nice
together with the keycloak setup on my dev machine. Now when deploying
the same application to another server i get something strange:
When trying to access a protected resource, my browser gets a 302 to
/sso/login which is ok but this URL should also produce a 302 to the
final Keycloak Login Page. Instead i get a 403 on the sso/login
request. The crazy thing is, on my local dev machine the /sso/login
doesnt get a 403 but a 302 with the resulting valid and perfect URL
What i want to say is.... i dont have a clue why i get a 403 on a
resource /sso/login, which as i assume, is provided by spring keycloak
adapter. And even crazier... its the same application.
thanks for any hints.