In order to have repeatable deployments of my companies keycloak instances I'm trying
to use the import feature of keycloak to ensure that the clients are setup the same way in
each environment. ? I have noticed that when I import a client, as opposed to the realm,
the 'Authorization Enabled' flag is not set to true even if I have set it to true
in the JSON that I'm importing. If I try to set it to true after importing I get an
error unless I first turn off 'Service Accounts Enabled' and then attempt to
enable 'Authorization Enabled'.
The JSON that I'm sending is provided below:
"clientId" : "hello-world-authz-service",
"secret" : "secret",
"authorizationServicesEnabled" : True,
"enabled" : True,
"redirectUris" : [
"http://localhost:8080/hello-world-authz-service/*" ],
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080/hello-world-authz-service",
"adminUrl": "http://localhost:8080/hello-world-authz-service",
"directAccessGrantsEnabled" : True
The JSON above is actually based upon one of the examples that was provided in the
keycloak source code and it works when I import everything as a realm, but not when I use
just the client portion.
Can anyone provide guidance in regards to how I can import JSON into Keycloak in order to
setup a specific client?
This is the entire realm json file I refered to:
I'm running keycloak version 2.5.0.Final Community.
Thank you in advance for your guidance,
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