We have JIRA open for Profile SPI, which among other things, will
hopefully provide support for proper handling of multivalued attributes.
There is a plan to add it in Keycloak 3.X.
On 19/06/17 11:44, Federico Navarro Polo - Info.nl wrote:
I’m facing a scenario where I have defined a custom attribute as multivalued. It works
all fine using the REST admin API, and while in the Keycloak admin console is displayed as
a ‘##’ separated string, it’s also functional in terms of displaying/editing the values.
However, when it comes to adding the attribute to the account client, it apparently only
shows the first element of the attribute, and I get the following log trace:
>>> [org.keycloak.forms.account.freemarker.model.AccountBean] (default task-41)
There are more values for attribute 'additionalProductIds' of user
'somebody(a)somewhere.com' . Will display just first value
Am I overlooking some configuration to enable the handling of multivalued custom
Met vriendelijke groet,
Federico Navarro
backend developer
federico@info.nl<mailto:federico@info.nl> |
LinkedIn<http://www.linkedin.com/in/jasperleferink> | +31 (0)2 05 30 91
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