currently, Keycloak (up to 4.8.2) does not handle the case where a user is
deleted in the federated user-store when the built-in LDAP / AD federation
provider is used.
The relevant code is located within the LDAPStorageProviderFactory:
There is a TODO which reads:
// TODO: Remove all existing Keycloak users, which have federation links,
but are not in LDAP. Perhaps don't check users, which were just added or
updated during this sync?
I wonder what would be the right thing to do in this case..
If the federated user-store dictates the truth, then IMHO the right thing
to do would be to also delete the user that is associated with the
user-storage provider federation link in Keycloak, if the linked AD / LDAP
user was deleted.
How do you handle this situation in your systems?