On 4 May 2016 at 18:37, Aikeaguinea <aikeaguinea(a)xsmail.com> wrote:
Figured it out, kinda. I have to use the Realm public key, and at
in jwt.io it has to begin with "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and end with
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" -- these can't be omitted.
If I try using the Realm certificate, it won't work, however, whether or
not I use "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"/"-----END CERTIFICATE-----".
If I use the validator at
http://kjur.github.io/jsjws/tool_jwt.html and
select "default X509 Certificate (RSA z4) it tells me "Error: malformed
X.509 certificate PEM (code:003)"
I can use the Realm public key for validating the JWT, but shouldn't the
certificate work as well?
The certificate is only used by SAML, so no you can't verify the JWT with
the certificate only the public key.
On Wed, May 4, 2016, at 12:00 PM, Aikeaguinea wrote:
> I have a client with a service account and credentials using Signed Jwt.
> Authentication works fine. The service uses
> to create the JWT token and set the headers, and I get back a JWT
> containing an access token from Keycloak.
> However, when I use jwt.io to look at the access token, I can't validate
> the signature. This is true whether I use the client Certificate (from
> the client's Credentials tab), the Realm public key, or the Realm
> Certificate. In addition, I have generated the client's public key from
> the certificate using
> keytool -exportcert -alias x -keypass y -storepass z -rfc -keystore
> client-keystore.jks | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey
> on the jks file supplied when I generated the client credentials, and
> that doesn't work either.
> We've also been having trouble validating the signature programmatically
> using Java.
> Any idea why I might be seeing this?
> --
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