AFAIK we don't have support for that, but hopefully we can add adapter
option, which will add KeycloakPrincipal to threadLocal. Might be useful
for frameworks/apps where the access to servletRequest is not possible.
Could you create JIRA?
Which web framework are you using btv? Do you at least have possibility
to add servletFilter, which will put the KEycloakPrincipal to
threadLocal, so you can access that in your app?
On 23/08/16 22:07, Stephen More wrote:
I am familiar with the Apereo CAS Client, that project has an
AssertionThreadLocalFilter that allows one to access the principal
without having direct access to the web tier session.
org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Assertion assertion =
org.jasig.cas.client.authentication.AttributePrincipal principal =
Does keycloak have a similar function to access the
org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal without access to the HttpServletRequest ?
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