I am confused on what you want to do. Please talk in terms of Keycloak
A, Keycloak B, App C, App D.
On 9/30/2015 9:23 AM, Gonzalo López wrote:
testuser has some roles in host B (testrole in this example), I want
put the roles as a claim in the token so when host A receives the token
it maps the claim to roles in host A
I already did the second part (mapping in host A), but I still can't
find out how to put the roles in a claim.
On 9/29/2015 3:42 PM, Gonzalo L?pez wrote:
> I'm trying to test the Identity broker to achieve cross domain
sso, this
> is what I have done:
> 1 - Installed jboss 6.4 eap + keycloak + keycloak eap6 adapter in
host A
> 2 - Installed jboss 6.4 eap + keycloak in host B
> 3 - In host A, I added an oidc Identity Provider (importing host B
> openid connect configuration).
> 4 - In host A, I created an application (appa.war) that will try
to use
> the broker to authenticate. I added security to the app (only
user with
> role "user" will be able to access some parts)
> 5 - In host B, I added 2 oidc clients (the broker from host A and
> appb (appb.war) is a simple application developed to log in using
> 6 - In host B, I created a role "testrole" inside appb and a user
> "testuser", then I added that role to the user.
> I couldn't find out how to map the role "testrole" to a claim
that will
> be sent to the broker once the user has authenticated. Is there a
way to
> do that?
> After I accomplish that I plan to map that claim to the role
OIDC and SAML Identity Providers have mappers. Host A broker will
receive the token from Host B. You can map the testrole to whatever
claim you want.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
keycloak-user mailing list
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat