On 09/08/17 12:30, Sajid Chauhan wrote:
Hi All,
I have found that there are REST apis for Admin. Are there REST Apis for a
new user to register himself? Can you please share the link?
Yes, we have admin
REST API. It's used by our admin console for example.
It's not so flexible like classic registration form (eg. you don't have
captcha there. Required actions like TOTP setup won't be automatically
triggered, which works for OOTB Keycloak registration etc) and it's
preferred to use our registration form.
Secondly, is there a way to customize the user registration screen and add
more text box fields? Or would we need to make code changes for that?
Yes it's
possible with code changes. It's documented and I think that we
also have an example for that in the keycloak-examples distribution in
"providers" directory.
Thanks and regards,
keycloak-user mailing list