Hello to All
I have a little problem crafting a JMeter to make a call to the authorization endpoint in
order to use the prompt=none option.
I have set up a Keycloak.
With one realm and one client.
Client is set as public, direct grants enabled, implicit flow on, standard flow enabled
In Keycloak I go into the client -> sessions and Logout everyone
0 sessions, 0 offlines
First JMeter scripts does a complete connection :
1. Call to /auth
2. Sends me a web page with form
3. I extract the "action" from the HTML form 4. I go a POST on the action URL +
insert login and password 5. Keycloak does the 302 Redirect with code in URL 6. I call the
token endpoint with the code and get the JWT Json Back
If I check in Keycloak, the session appears.
it is set to last 30 days.
Now comes my problem : I want to check if the user is connected, or not, using the
prompt=none option.
So I create a second JMX script that does a GET on
(realm is replaced by the realm I use which is test ; my client is also called test)
I inject the following fields :
response_type = code
client_id = test
redirect_url =
www.google.fr (I only care about what KC adds to the URL) scope = openid
state = ebd16dfa-dc7e-4524-a87c-fcb138d2af8b
prompt = none
id_token_hint = id token contents found in the JWT
The ebd16dfa-dc7e-4524-a87c-fcb138d2af8b is the value I found in the JWT token in the
field session_state I pasted into the id_token_hint the contents of the id_token from the
JWT in its URLEncoded form
If the user is not connected and if the user is connected I always get the same answer :
Response code: 302
Response message: Found
I get the login_required all the time.
I have tried after doing a Logout all
And after connecting myself and checking I have an active session for the client in the
realm in the web console
Tried to search online
Tried various response_type codes I could see (with Keycloak saying they are invalid) I
tried token_id%20 for example, no change
I don’t know what I'm doing wrong.
I only work on the back part of it and I have to check what happens when the front people
use the prompt=none And I'm then doing JMeter scripts to emulate what they do But this
is the first time I'm trying to use prompt=none And I'm failing miserably at it ☹
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