Hi, I can run the preconfigured Customer-portal demo successfully on the
single keycloak-demo-2.0.0.Final distribution by importing the
testrealm.json file to create the realm. Everything works fine.
And also I can run this simple login/logout demo by following this
instruction to install and setup KeyCloak and Wildfly servers separately:
However, I failed to run the Customer-Portal demo by trying to set up the
KeyClaok server and Wildfly server separately. It always gives me this
message as I clicked the "Customer Listing
http://localhost:8080/customer-portal/customers/view.jsp>" link:
I did exactly the same thing as I tested in the KeyCloak-demo distribution
by importing the testrealm.json.
I didn't configure the subsystem section in the Wildfly 10's
standalone.xml, since I believe the "keycloak.json" and "web.xml" in
application's WEB-INF directory will do the same thing. I only had this
configured in Wildfly standalone.xml:
<security-domain name="keycloak">
What am I missing? Thank you for your help to this working. By the way, it
would be really great to have a full tutorial on how to set up the
customer-portal demo on two separate KeyCloak and Wildfly servers by
configuring both Json and subsystem file.
Thank you for help.