Hello. I have a simple JS execution which denies access as the first step
of the first broker login flow. I would like to access some of the
attributes that Keycloak writes out to the log when executing this flow
(see below)
What objects or variables must my JS execution load in order to get the
identity_provider_identity attribute listed below?
20:29:56,588 WARN [org.keycloak.events] (default task-527)
type=IDENTITY_PROVIDER_FIRST_LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=re, clientId=tblic,
userId=null, ipAddress=90., error=user_not_found, identity_provider=google,
auth_method=openid-connect, redirect_uri=http://localhost:8222?clientid=tic,
identity_provider_identity=user(a)gmail.com, code_id=b07317fdb
Thanks in advance!