In Keycloak- User Federation, I already configured a LDAP with below
attributes. As an operation reason, we are developing a script to be able
operate user (import,resync etc.) with LDAP integration.
I found that AdminCLI documentation and on linux side we can perform some
operation via “kcadm.sh”. My question is, how can I update yellow
highlighted attributes (Users DN and Custom User LDAP Filter) for existing
LDAP confg.?
If I can update Users DN and add “tuser” to Custom User LDAP Filter
attribute successfully via kcadm.sh. I will have a chance to do some user
operations anyway, like I mentioned above, I just need to update current
LDAP configuration. I couldn’t find in AdminCLI doc for updating operation.
If you know, please share me J
Console Display Name - ldap
Priority - 0
Import Users - On
Edit Mode - READ_ONLY
Sync Registrations - On
Vendor - On
Username LDAP attribute - uid
RDN LDAP attribute - uid
UUID LDAP attribute - uid
User Object Classes - inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson
Connection URL - ldap://ldap:3333
Users DN - dc=entp,dc=abc
Authentication Type - single
Bind Credential – N/A
Custom User LDAP Filter - (uid=user)
Search Scope - Subtree
Use Truststore SPI - Only for ldaps
Connection Pooling - Off
Connection Timeout - <Blank>
Read Timeout - 600000
Pagination - Off
Allow Kerberos authentication - Off
Use Kerberos For Password Authentication - Off
Batch Size - 1000
Periodic Full Sync - Off
Periodic Changed Users Sync - Off
Cache Policy - DEFAULT