Hi to all.Working on my custom user federation provider i'm facing up to a possible
bug.I used the last 1.6.1 final keycloak version.In my legacy user database i have 3
I try to log into my secured application with all three users' credentials and all
goes fine.This way all three users are present inside the keycloak properties file so, if
i open keycloak admin console and list all users by clicking on the "view all
users" button, inside the user section, keycloak lists to me user1user2user3
Now i delete user3 from my legacy database, then i come back to the keycloak admin console
in order to list users again.After clicking the "view all users" button...
nothing is listed and the page stucks in loading mode.
Debugging my code, after "view all users" click... my user federation provider
executes the isValid() method for all the 3 users.The isValid method returns true for
user1 true for user2
false for the deleted user3 The last false value is returned to
the UserModel validateAndProxy(RealmModel realm, UserModel local) method which will
return a NULL UserModel object.
ValidateAndProxy method passes the ball to org.keycloak.models.UserFederationManager with
its method:
protected UserModel validateAndProxyUser(RealmModel realm, UserModel user) {
UserModel managed = managedUsers.get(user.getId()); if (managed != null)
{ return managed; } UserFederationProvider link =
getFederationLink(realm, user); if (link != null)
{ UserModel validatedProxyUser = link.validateAndProxy(realm, user); if (validatedProxyUser != null)
{ managedUsers.put(user.getId(), validatedProxyUser); return validatedProxyUser;
} else { deleteInvalidUser(realm, user); return null;
} }
The UserModel NULL value triggers the deleteInvalidUser(...) method. (row 135
of org.keycloak.models.UserFederationManager class). At this point nothing happens and
keycloak console stays in loading state.
Am i wrong with anything? or is it a bug?thanks