How exactly are you implementing it? Can you point me to some example
code? Remember, UserStorageProviderFactory *MUST* be a POJO. I haven't
done CDI in years, but I believe it would work similarly to the EJB
example, except you'd look up the CDI bean manager and allocate your
provider through the bean manager.
On 1/19/17 5:36 AM, Matuszak, Eduard wrote:
It is not possible for me, to bring CDI (@Inject) to work in a user storage provider
application (Keycloak 2.5.0), deployed as a war-file. The required beans.xml is placed
correctly in the war-file and passed by Weld during deployment, but all injected objects
are null.
Is this a known (and possibly perforced) behaviour, a (minor) bug or simply due to a
missing trick?
Thanks in advance for a feedback, Eduard Matuszak
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