I have a client with a service account and credentials using Signed Jwt.
Authentication works fine. The service uses
to create the JWT token and set the headers, and I get back a JWT
containing an access token from Keycloak.
However, when I use jwt.io to look at the access token, I can't validate
the signature. This is true whether I use the client Certificate (from
the client's Credentials tab), the Realm public key, or the Realm
Certificate. In addition, I have generated the client's public key from
the certificate using
keytool -exportcert -alias x -keypass y -storepass z -rfc -keystore
client-keystore.jks | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey
on the jks file supplied when I generated the client credentials, and
that doesn't work either.
We've also been having trouble validating the signature programmatically
using Java.
Any idea why I might be seeing this?
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