Keycloak 3.4.0 - running 5 instances in containers using standalone clustered mode running
against postgres.
I am looking for the recommended approach to bulk user imports into keycloak. I initially
hoped to use the admin api but I am looking at having to import batches of up to 80,000
users and initial tests look to top out at just under 40 requests per second. At that
throughput it will take 33 minutes to import a set of 80,000 users.
Is this an expected throughput level? Any techniques to increase this? Any alternative
I thought about inserting directly into the keycloak postgres db but I am concerned about
the upgrade experience.
Could implementing my own user store and adding my own custom user storage provider,
enabling me to import directly into my own db and implementing defined interfaces for the
user storage provider so hopefully help the upgrade path, be an option?
Are there any migration options I could take advantage of?
Many thanks
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Scott Hezzell
Senior Developer
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