I would like to use the admin client to update a user in order to force him
to change his password next time he logs in ?
So far i have failed miserably to do it so i was wondering if this is at
all possible ?
This is basically what am doing :
Keycloak keycloak = Keycloak.getInstance(authServer, "example",
"examples-admin-client", "password",
"examples-admin-client", "password");
RealmResource realm = keycloak.realm("example");
UsersResource users = realm.users();
List<UserRepresentation> users_ = users.search("", 0, 1000000);
This gets me all my users
for (UserRepresentation user_ : users_) {
if (user_.getUsername().equals("examples-admin-client")) {
RealmRepresentation realm_ = realm.toRepresentation();
Does the method update of realm support users update ?
Thanks for any help on this.