Two issues:
(1) Wildfly client adapter doesn't detect when a user is logged into Keycloak on
pages in which HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() method is used to programmatically
determine who sees what until after hitting a declaratively protected (web.xml) page
first. Wildfly client adapter assumes all pages which use isUserInRole are declaratively
protected, but that is not always true (and essentially never true in my case). This
means when jumping from one application to another you lose your SSO.
If you are
correct about isUserInRole() then the WildFly adapter needs
to be fixed.
What should happen is that when you logout of application A then the
Keycloak server sends a backchannel logout to application B. At that
point, a call to isUserInRole() from application B should return false.
Do you have backchannel logout working?
(2) Trying to switch users in an environment where it is unknown
whether you are logged in or not results in surprise logins as the previous account when
you really want to enter new credentials
Essentially all my application pages show something no matter if you are logged in or
not, but if you are logged in you see extra stuff like edit buttons. When working in a
group around a computer and someone asks to switch users (login as admin or move over and
let me show you scenarios) confusion ensues as the application might show the user as not
logged in, but then attempting to login detects existing token and skips login form. Now
user must logout and try again.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Silvert" <ssilvert(a)>
To: "Ryan Slominski" <ryans(a)>
Cc: "keycloak-user" <keycloak-user(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 4:04:03 PM
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] How to logout
On 8/15/2018 3:27 PM, Ryan Slominski wrote:
> Hi Stan,
> If you have multiple applications you can get out-of-sync. If you open
application A in one browser tab, login, and then navigate to application B in another
browser tab then application B is now out of sync with keycloak until you hit a
"protected" page. The problem arises because I use programmatic security
instead of declarative security:
I don't understand why this matters. If you are not going to a
protected page in application B then why do you care if you are logged
into Keycloak?
I guess I'm not understanding your use case.
> And it looks like the Wildfly client adapter doesn't handle users of programmatic
security in that it doesn't detect if a SSO token exists on pages which are not
declaratively protected (actually programmatic security doesn't work at all with the
Keycloak adapter and I am faking it by redirecting users off of a dummy declaratively
protected URL). It might be possible to have a Servlet filter do a check with the
keycloak server on each request, but that would be costly. The JavaScript client has a
huge advantage because it can watch the keycloak cookie presence via a hidden iframe. In
fact, I realize now exposing the confidential client secret in a form client side is not a
good idea. It seems like to do what I want (track SSO state across multiple tabs and
multiple applications) I might have to actually have two "clients" per
application: (1) on the web server side and (2) another on the browser client side. The
browser client side can then detect the actual state of SSO. Or maybe I can have a single
JavaScript client that is shared among multiple server side Keycloak clients and handles
tracking SSO state and provides the information as a service. Maybe this is built-in to
keycloak server itself?
> Ryan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stan Silvert" <ssilvert(a)>
> To: "Ryan Slominski" <ryans(a)>
> Cc: "keycloak-user" <keycloak-user(a)>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:02:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] How to logout
> Why is your client out of sync with the keycloak server? If you are
> building a servlet-based application (JSF, JSP, Struts, etc.), then why
> not use the WildFly adapter in the JEE way as described in the Keycloak
> documentation? The WildFly Keycloak adapter takes care of all the hard
> stuff for you.
> On 8/15/2018 9:50 AM, Ryan Slominski wrote:
>> Hi Stan,
>> The documentation doesn't mention this, but it seems the logout URL
should be a POST, not a GET request. Is that true?
>> So, I'm trying to create an HTML logout form with method post and action to
the documented logout URL. The form has a submit button and two hidden fields:
"client_id" and "client_secret". Clicking the submit button results
in the following JSON response from the keycloak server:
refresh token"}
>> So, I guess I need a third field, something like "refresh_token"? How
would I get a refresh token? Remember I'm using the Wildfly client adapter and in my
scenario the client is out-of-sync with the keycloak server (the user is logged into
keycloak, but not the local client).
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stan Silvert" <ssilvert(a)>
>> To: "keycloak-user" <keycloak-user(a)>
>> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 7:15:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] How to logout
>> HttpServletRequest.logout() should not be a no-op. It was implemented a
>> long time ago:
>> If there is an issue with it you should report it in JIRA.
>> Stan
>> On 8/13/2018 4:19 PM, Ryan Slominski wrote:
>>> Hi Keycloak Users,
>>> I'm using the Wildfly client adapter and trying to logout of Keycloak,
even if a client application container doesn't think it is logged in. This is a
problem because login state with Keycloak and login state with JSESSION_ID in servlet
container are two separate things that can get out-of-sync. The documentation says you
can logout in one of two ways:
>>> 1. Call HttpServletRequest.logout()
>>> 2. Navigate to URL
>>> See:
>>> The first appears to be a no-op because the Java container itself isn't
logged in, in this case. This does work if the client container is aware that it is
logged in, but doesn't otherwise. The second also doesn't seem to do anything and
just redirects back to redirect_uri. Any tips?
>>> A forceful logout is useful in the scenario when one client (client A) logs
into Keycloak, and a different client (cilent B) wants to forcefully logout as to switch
users. In this scenario client B doesn't think it is logged in because the client
adapter is using container managed security with JSESSIONID, and locally the client
isn't logged in. However if a login was attempted it would succeed automatically
without prompting for a username and password and therefore the user wouldn't get a
chance to provide an alternate username. A switch user ability is useful when users need
to login with separate admin credentials or also in scenarios where a user says "move
over and I'll drive" to a colleague.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ryan
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