Hi Niels,
I've read the JIRA issue, but it's not _exactly_ the case. The problem
I'm facing is because I have two entries with the same address in Active
Directory, and I can't change the old one in Keycloak because I have AD
federated in read only mode.
If I change the 'mail' entry in the AD object, it is not synced again if
the data already exists in Keycloak? I did a test now with my own user,
and it still shows the old value.
Il 09/06/2016 18:58, Niels Bertram ha scritto:
Hi Felipe,
this topic was discusses some time back on the user forum. Jira
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-2141> has some
background information on the issue you are facing. From what I can tell
one will have to change the attribute mapping on the LDAP user
federation provider to map email to a custom attribute (e.g.
contact_email) and then also change the email template to use that field
for email distribution instead.
On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 9:41 PM, Felipe Braun Azambuja
<felipe.braun(a)intelbras.com.br <mailto:felipe.braun@intelbras.com.br>>
Hello all,
We have Keycloak connected to our Active Directory (read only),
everything working correctly, authenticating our employees. But there is
a case that is a little complicated.
When someone starts working here as a intern, the user has an employee
ID with four digits. If a person is a regular employee, it has five
digits. Windows login is made of the first 2 letters of the name, and
then the ID number, zero padded, as in *fe001173*. But there are times
that these interns are hired as employees, so the previous account is
*disabled* in AD and a new one is created.
The problem is that the e-mail address is the same. When this happens, I
can't even search the user in Keycloak admin interface, because it says
that it already has a user with the same e-mail. The old one is still
there, though; but if I go to its details, I can't change the e-mail
address, since it tries to sync it back to AD.
So far, the solution was changing it directly in the database and
restarting Keycloak, which is *not* a good thing to do.
Any thoughts on what we could do?
Thanks !
Felipe Braun Azambuja
Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
(48) 3281 9577
felipe.braun(a)intelbras.com.br <mailto:felipe.braun@intelbras.com.br>
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Felipe Braun Azambuja
Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
(48) 3281 9577
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