You mean that if in keycloak database is already existing user
"john(a)" and you authenticate the same user "john(a)"
with google identity provider, you want to automatically link google
provider with this keycloak account?
We didn't want to support this OOTB because of possible security
implications. For example if identity provider doesn't verify emails,
you can see security issues similar to this:
- There is user "john(a)" in keycloak
- Attacker registers the account on identity provider side with email
"john(a)" . If identity provider doesn't verify emails, attacker
can easily do it.
- Now attacker login to keycloak with identity provider and keycloak
will automatically link with the existing keycloak account
"john(a)" . So now attacker was able to login to keycloak as user
"john(a)" because 3rd party identity provider didn't verify
emails and accounts were linked automatically just based on emails.
You can admit that this one issue doesn't exist in case that identity
provider properly verify emails. However there are still in theory some
other issues...
So feel free to implement your own authenticator, which will do the
linking automatically based on email and then configure "first broker
login" flow with your authenticator. See docs for "First broker login"
and "Authentication SPI" for more details.
Also feel free to create JIRA if you really want this OOTB. We may
eventually add it if there is big requirement for this. However we will
never change the default "first broker login" flow to behave like this
and automatically link accounts.
On 17/06/16 08:46, Harits Elfahmi wrote:
Currently we use google login using the identity provider in keycloak.
The first broker login states that we must verify existing account and
then reauthenticate using user password form. Is it possible to use
the already available executions/flows and skip the reauthentication
So if the google email already exist in a keycloak account, we allow
them to login without the form.
Or must we create a custom execution? Is it possible using custom
*Harits* Elfahmi
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