Travis, I did do most of the work for this. I think I pinged you to see
if you still wanted the feature, but never followed through. I'm sorry.
All this would require a shared client secret, or public clients. It
would require you to extract the realm name somehow based on the current
HTTP request. Probably a URI pattern.
There is an AdapterDeploymentContext class. This class has a method:
KeycloakDeployment resolveDeployment(HttpFacade)
This method get's called every request. You would extend this class and
override resolveDeployment and create (and then cache) your
KeycloakDeployment based on the incoming HTTP request.
The only problem is that the current code has no way for you to plug in
a new implementation of the AdapterDeploymentContext.
On 9/4/2014 2:36 AM, Travis De Silva wrote:
Hi Stian,
You proposed solution would not cover the use case where we can create
tenants at runtime as the realm config in the keycloak.json would be
hard coded into the war.
I had discussed this identical use case a while ago on this forum and
Bill was planning to refactor the adapters to support this use case.
Unfortunately he got caught up in other tasks and was not able to
proceed on this.
The discussion thread is here
Basically what I believe Bill suggested which would meet this use case
is to:
1. Have a shared secret between clients for all realms.
2. The adapter would just extract the realm name from the request,
invoke on the keycloak server to get the public information about
the realm (i.e. public key) and then cache the information locally.
The key bit here is extracting the realm name from the request and then
pulling the realm info from the keycloak server.
I had a look at the keycloak source code and I believe the magic happens
in the KeycloakServletExtension class under the
org.keycloak.adapters.undertow package for my use case (since I deploy
it on wildfly)
What I have got stumped is that this class gets loaded when my war is
deployed and I am wondering how I can do it per request (if the info is
not already cached locally)
Maybe with the imminent release of 1.0 (btw congrats for the great work
to everyone in the team and for Bill and your leadership), maybe we
should start thinking about this multi tenancy use case to be included
in future releases.
I believe that SaaS models are going to be popular and having this
feature added will make keycloak a major player in this space.
keycloak-user mailing list
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat