I'm trying to integrate an ASP .NET Core client web app with Keycloak using
the .NET Core native OIDC Support.
For this I'm using a sample project available in the IdentityServer Github
repo [1]. IdentityServer is an OIDC Auth Server/Framework implementation
for .NET platform.
I forked that sample repo and changed the configuration to use the Keycloak
OIDC endpoints.
The code snippet changed to use keycloak endpoint is this one
I was able to run this code on my RHEL 7 box using .NET Core for Linux [2].
In the KC side I just created a new realm and a client (see the
dotnetcore.json realm config attached). The web app starts and the secured
pages/resources redirects the user to the Keycloak endpoint, but after the
user authenticates and KC responds the request the following error occurs
on .NET client side:
"OpenIdConnectProtocolInvalidCHashException: IDX10307: *The 'c_hash' claim
was not found in the id_token*, but a 'code' was in the
OpenIdConnectMessage, id_token:
Searching for this message "*The 'c_hash' claim was not found in the
id_token*" I found the issue *KEYCLOAK-3286* [3]. Does this error have
something to do with the *KEYCLOAK-3286?*
Does some one tried to integrate a .NET app with Keycloak using OIDC
Rafael T. C. Soares