How are you creating the new users? From the error message it looks like you're trying
to login as the new user with an invalid password.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurice Quaedackers"
To: keycloak-user(a)
Sent: Thursday, 16 July, 2015 10:21:04 AM
Subject: [keycloak-user] Unable to log in to master realm with new created users
I have an issue with a running Keycloak 1.2.0.Final instance.
The instance was running all okay but suddenly without changing anything to
the installation I am not able to create new users in the Master realm and
log in with this new user.
Allready existing users can login to Keycloak, also when I change the
password for the user.
As soon as I create a user (planon in this example) , and try to log in with
the given credentials I get Invalid username or password prompted and see
the line below in the server.log
^[[0m^[[33m08:44:37,204 WARN [] (default task-24)
type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=master, clientId=security-admin-console,
userId=2260992e-a2fb-4503-b5a1-f468526fbc9f, ipAddress=,
error=invalid_user_credentials, auth_method=form, response_type=code,
code_id=b2a5f41b-568c-420a-bd5d-770080c369ab, username=planon
How can I find the rootcause for this issue ? (And a resolution)
With kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Maurice Quaedackers
Planon Cloud Center
Planon B.V.
Postbus 38074
6503 AB Nijmegen
Wijchenseweg 8
6537 TL Nijmegen
T: +31 (0) 24 641 3135
F: +31 (0) 24 642 2942
E: maurice.quaedackers(a)
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