Workaround can be to edit LDAP provider with edit mode UNSYNCED instead
of READ_ONLY. That way, you can change the locale (+ some other
properties), but those changes are written to DB, not to LDAP.
Also not sure if you use "import" mode or "no-import" mode. From
looking at the code, it seems to me that with import mode, you can
change the locale and exception won't be thrown.
On 19/02/18 14:05, Dominik Guhr wrote:
Hi everyone,
so I made a comment here: explaining my
problem, which is, in short terms, the bug issued in 6115 (localization
with readonly ldap).
Would be very nice to get some help here for a workaround, for this
stops me to change the whole landscape to kc as authprovider.
In short points:
- I don't want to build kc sources myself, for the root cause is issued
and will hopefully be worked on in near future
- I want to create a custom provider spi module which does exactly the
same than the "built-in", but want to apply the workaround(!) - catching
the readonlyexception when its thrown.
- This SPI seems not to have the same structure than the custom SPIs
which are described in the docs for extending server
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Best regards,
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