I am trying to add a variable as part of my kcadm. As an example this is for adding the
connectionURL from an environment variable. Version is 3.4.3
my ". ldapenv" has all the environment information and this is ran first of all
as part of my script.
echo "Set the environment...". ldap.env
echo "Creating LDAP provider for users..."/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh
create components \--server $KEYCLOAK_SERVER \--user $KEYCLOAK_USER \--password
$KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD \-r $NEW_REALM \-s id=$LDAP_USER_ID \-s name=ldap-users \-s
providerId=ldap \-s providerType=org.keycloak.storage.UserStorageProvider \-s
parentId=$REALM_ID \-s 'config.priority=["0"]' \-s
'config.fullSyncPeriod=["-1"]' \-s
'config.changedSyncPeriod=["-1"]' \-s
'config.cachePolicy=["DEFAULT"]' \-s 'config.evictionDay=[]' \-s
'config.evictionHour=[]' \-s 'config.evictionMinute=[]' \-s
'config.maxLifespan=[]' \-s 'config.batchSizeForSync=["1000"]'
\-s 'config.editMode=["WRITABLE"]' \-s
'config.syncRegistrations=["true"]' \-s
'config.vendor=["other"]' \-s
'config.usernameLDAPAttribute=["mail"]' \-s
'config.rdnLDAPAttribute=["uid"]' \-s
'config.uuidLDAPAttribute=["entryUUID"]' \-s
'config.userObjectClasses=["inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, top,
person"]' \-s 'config."connectionUrl"=['$LDAPHOST']'
When the script has completed and log into keycloak to check the settings, under
connectionURL this shows $LDAPHOST when i should be expecting something like
ldap://example.com (this is what is set in my ldap.env)
I know when i hard-code the ldaphost this works fine.
I have tried various ways using single quotations, double quotations but just cant seem to
get this to populate with the correct output.