My purpose is to entirely remove the "Email already exists." validation
from the registration flow. That way I want to prevent exposing any
information (to the other users) who is registered and who is not.
So, when the user tries to register with an existing email I want to
redirect him to the email validation template immediately, that way I
want to make him think that he is registered. Meanwhile keycloak must
not create a new user or update the user profile at all, it has to skip
these steps.
I have tried the FormActionFactory and FormAction interfaces, but just
changing the validation and success methods doesn't seem enough. Any
suggestions how to override the last step which actually sets the user
into the storage and sends a verification email and instead of that just
redirect the user to the verify email page? Is it possible?
Other suggestions, solutions how to achieve described effect (or other
way to prevent exposing that info) are welcomed. Thank you!
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