Hi all,
I was trying to use import functionality with Keycloak docker image, and it
seems that import makes Keycloak unreachable from the host. Here is the
command I've used to start docker image:
docker run --name keycloak-demo -p 8180:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e
KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -v <path to the folder with exported .json
file>:/opt/jboss/compose-conf jboss/keycloak:3.4.3.Final
-Dkeycloak.migration.action=import -Dkeycloak.migration.provider=singleFile
Container starts without errors in logs, imports all the data, but I cannot
access it by
http://localhost:8180 (I've got an empty reply from server) .
Although it is reachable from within container itself. After removing
migration command arguments from "docker run" command everything works.
I've compared logs and didn't found any explanation why this may happen.
The only difference seems to be is an import which completes without
I've tried with Keycloak. 3.4.3.Final and 4.0.0.beta on Windows and MacOS.
Docker version is 18.03.0-ce-win59 (16762).
I'm doing something wrong, or maybe it is not intended for migration
functionality to be working with the Docker image?
Thank you,
Best regards,
Aleksandr Pilin