I'm struggling to setup our application with Keycloak. First, let me explain our
- We have an Angular 5 application as the frontend.
- We have a Spring Boot application providing a REST api as our backend.
- During build, the frontend is placed into the webapp folder, such that it is
delivered as static content by the backend.
- The backend is secured using Keycloak.
- The user is automatically authenticated using Kerberos.
If I build the application and then request the frontend's index.html, then a redirect
to /sso/login occurs, which redirects to Keycloak, which redirects back to the
application, and authentication is successful. After that, calls to our backend api (for
which the user must be authenticated and authorized), are also successful.
During development, however, the frontend is served using webpack (angular-cli), and the
backend is served individually. In this setup, the index.html can be loaded without
authentication, and the frontend then starts to call the backend API. At first, the
backend directly returned a 401 Unauthorized, and I figured out that this was raised at
the KeycloakAuthenticationEntryPoint since the request was considered to be an API
request. To work around this problem, I replaced the KeycloakAuthenticationEntryPoint by a
subclass not checking for API requests. After that, the API request is now redirected to
/sso/login, which then redirects to Keycloak. Since now the host has changed, the invoking
browser has to perform a CORS request, and thus issued a CORS preflight request using the
OPTIONS method, to which Keycloak answers with a 204 No Content without any CORS headers,
such that the preflight fails, even though the Keycloak client has been configured to
allow CORS requests. In consequence, the backend API cannot be reached.
My questions now are:
- Is there some configuration that we are missing to allow authentication during API
- The behavioral change of the KeycloakAuthenticationEntryPoint seems incorrect to
me, as if I'm working against the intended design. Could you provide me some guidance
on how to setup my frontend and backend? I can think of doing authentication directly in
the frontend using the Keycloak JS library, but have found no indication that a REST API
should not do (Kerberos) authentication itself.
Many thanks in advance,
Björn Peemöller
IT & IT Operations
Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG
Neuer Jungfernstieg 20
20354 Hamburg
Telefon +49 40 350 60-8548
Telefax +49 40 350 60-900
E-Mail bjoern.peemoeller@berenberg.de<mailto:bjoern.peemoeller@berenberg.de>
Sitz: Hamburg - Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA 42659
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