Hi everyone,
I need to create a fine-grained permissions system for backend resources
using KeyCloak and looking for potential solutions of the problem.
I've already checked resource management feature
but it doesn't work for me for the multiple reasons and has very limited
integration in Java, so I don't consider it anymore.
So another solution I came up with is having permission system based on
roles and composite roles
[role-name] (composite)
- tenants:[permission] (composite)
- tenants:[tenant-identifier]:[permission] (composite)
- tenants:[tenant-identifier]:[tenant-resource]:[permission] (composite)
Permissions can be like create/read/update/delete and the plus of this is
that it can scale if we'd have sub-resources. On the backend, I'll be able
to create filters for these permissions and integrate it with Spring
I'm looking for opinions and would like to know if this is a valid
structure or there are some other solutions which can be used. Any opinions
on this?