Hello I hope you can help.
When I want to create my user I do follows
Keycloak keycloak = Keycloak.getInstance (getURL (), "MyRealm",
"myPassword" clientID);
UserRepresentation userRep = new UserRepresentation ();
userRep.setUsername ("testUser");
CredentialRepresentation CredentialRepresentation credentials = new ();
credentials.setType ("password");
credentials.setValue ("t");
List <CredentialRepresentation> list = new ArrayList ();
list.add (credentials);
userRep.setCredentials (list);
userRep.setEnabled (true);
userRep.setEmail ("myMail(a)outlook.com");
userRep.setEmailVerified (false);
userRep.setFirstName ("Javier");
userRep.setLastName ("Javi");
Map map = new HashMap ();
userRep.setAttributes (map);
UsersResource users = keycloak.realm ("MyRealm") users ().;
Response response = users.create (userRep);
first responds with code 200
- 18:14:09 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:273
> POST /auth/realms/prevvy/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
- 18:14:09 DEBUG org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection:254
Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
but at the end responds with a 500 error and I don't know why :(:
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.wire:63
> "Host: develop.prevvy.co:9095[\r][\n]"
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.wire:63
> "Connection: Keep-Alive[\r][\n]"
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.wire:63
> "[\r][\n]"
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:273
> POST /auth/admin/realms/prevvy/users HTTP/1.1
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Authorization: Bearer
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Content-Type: application/json
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Content-Length: 498
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Host: develop.prevvy.co:9095
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.headers:276
> Connection: Keep-Alive
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.wire:77
- 18:14:10 DEBUG org.apache.http.wire:63
<< "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error[\r][\n]"
Thank you!!