For this i would probably have 3 things.
1 users configured in keycloak either through LDAP or local accounts
2 a client for the back end configured as bearer only (if it's a simple
REST service). This will not challenge for authentication, only return
401s, 403s
3 a public client for the front end to manage the auth flows and redirect
to keycloak for authentication and log in as the user. read up on
javascript adaptor for this. Pass the token returned to the front end
client to the back end REST service in the headers as Basic Auth.
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Juan Diego <juandiego83(a)> wrote:
I want to manage my users from my app but I dont understand some things.
My backend is on java, front is on angular. So for my backend I used client
of Type Bearer Only.
I was looking at this example
And this one
So my question is
Should I create a User in my keycloak server for my app to use?
Or should I use another type of client?
Can i connect using just the client credentials? I thought I will have use
the secret in credentials and the token there to connect?
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