I try to summarize, what we did:
1. Download
and import as client in your realm.
2. Edit Client
a. Settings: Disable Client Signature Required and set Signature
Algorithm to “RSA_SHA1”
b. Mapper: Name: IDPEmail, Mapper Type: User Property, Property:
email, SAML Attribute Name: IDPEmail
3. Currently we use local user database
a. Add user
b. Attributes: add/change key
“saml.persistent.name.id.for.urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline” to “$foo”
<- $foo must be the value of the ImmutableId attribute of the user
synchronized to Azure AD.
On Azure site we followed the instruction on the website:
With Powershell we changed the authentication domain to be federated:
$cer=" " <- get the public key certificate from keycloak
https://keycloak-host.tld /auth/realms/Azure/protocol/saml/descriptor,
see X509Certificate
$issuer_uri="https://keycloak-host.tld /auth/realms/Azure"
Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName $dom -Authentication Federated
-ActiveLogOnUri $uri -SigningCertificate $cer -PassiveLogOnUri $uri
-IssuerUri $issuer_uri -LogOffUri $uri -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol
You can verify the settings via: Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings
-DomainName "<your-authentication-domain.tld>"
If you want to change the settings, you have to set the domain back to
managed first: Set-MsolDomainAuthentication -DomainName
"<your-authentication-domain.tld>" -Authentication Managed
The federation change of the domain might take up to 72 hours until
properly applied.
Hope this helps
Cheers Jonas
On 31.08.17 14:15, songokudbz wrote:
Can you please help other poor people like me and tell us how did you
configure the mapper?
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keycloak-user mailing list