It is not. But this doc [1] shows how to enforce access based on claims.
Permissions granted by Keycloak are basically within a claim in the access
token (so called RPT). But I guess you have looked this option already and
it does not work for you.
Pedro Igor
On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 1:54 PM, Guse, Christoph <Christoph.Guse(a)viega.de>
Hi everybody,
we currently did a proof of concept using Keycloak and we are very sure to
fulfill the requirements using Keycloak. Thanks a lot for your work!
At the moment I try out to use Apache with Keycloak using the
auth_openidc_module. The redirect to Keycloak works but I’m wondering if it
is possible to use the Authorization (Resources / Policies / Permissions)
feature with auth_openidc_module. I would like to be able to configure the
Apache resource authorization in Keycloak.
We already managed to use Authorization in our Spring-Boot applications
and we had to switch on the Policy Enforcer to use Authorization.
Unfortunately I did not find this option in the configuration of
auth_openidc_module in the documentation. In this documentation the
authorization is configured in httpd.conf in the <Location> sections.
Is Authorization available in auth_openidc_module?
Viega Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Sitz Attendorn, Amtsgericht Siegen HRA 7404,
Komplementärinnen: Viega Holding Beteiligungs B.V. (Vorsitzende der
Geschäftsführung: Walter Viegener, Claus Holst-Gydesen; Geschäftsführer:
Ralf Baginski, Andreas Brockow, Andreas Fiefhaus, Dirk Gellisch, Peter
Schöler); Viega Holding Beteiligungs GmbH (Geschäftsführer: Walter
Viegener, Claus Holst-Gydesen)
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