Hi all,
we have currently a problem with upgrading to keycloak 3.2.1. All our clients use keycloak
admin client 2.5.5 and it seems that they do not work with server 3.2.1 without setting
JsonIgnore property somehow. The reason is the new "access" property in
UserPresentation class. It is in general hard to migrate to newer keycloak versions if
there are changes that are not backward compatible.
The issue is similar to
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-5159 but vice versa. Here
the proposal is to migrate server side first.
We try to fix our clients by setting a JacksonProvider with a custom object mapper to the
KeycloakBuilder but unfortunately same behaviour. (like here
Does anyone have an idea how we can solve it ?? Upgrading clients is not an option at the
moment because we use wildfly swarm and the keycloak fraction is still on 2.5.5.