Hey guys,
I've been struggling with OIDC and XFO, and I could use some help from
you all.
My deployment is like this:
Vue.js app (nginx):80 (app.public.domain)
\-> reverse proxy (nginx):443 ---> keycloak:8080
(sso.public.domain) (sso.internal)
The app doesn't work due to XFO trying to open login-status-iframe.html.
If I make the app go straight to KC in :8080, it works as it should
(strangely enough, because KC isn't sending XFO header.
I have XFO set on the reverse proxy, with SAMEORIGIN, tried to change to
ALLOW-FROM, tried to add XFO to the app's nginx, and all I get is the
same thing. The browser gets redirected to KC login page, I get
authenticated, but the app doesn't work.
*Where* and *how* should the header be set?
This setup with nginx works great in SAML, and since we do not have
enough IPv4, I can't expose it directly.
Keycloak was upgraded to 3.4.3.Final prior to this app being deployed.
Felipe Braun Azambuja
Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
(48) 3281 9577
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